The Table

Wednesdays at 5:30 pm in Finlator Hall

Join us at The Table this month! Our Wednesday evening begins with dinner from 5:30-6:15 pm, and continues with community celebrations, announcements and prayer before we move into our programming for the evening at 6:30 pm. We also offer activities for children and youth. Dinner is $4 for children (grades K-5), and $7 for youth (grades 6-12) and adults, with a $24 cap per family. Check out what’s going on in March at The Table!

May 1 - The Critical Race Theory Culture War: Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a widely discussed topic that brings with it many opinions and emotions. What is it, why is it controversial, and why does it matter? Dr. Tirzah Turner, a minister in Cary, takes a look at fact and fiction, misconceptions, different viewpoints, its possible application in other nations, and how to untangle some of the messaging around CRT. Dr. Tirzah Turner; Doctorate of Ministry in the field of practical theology, Drew University; MDiv, Gardner-Webb University; B.M., Carson-Newman University; community pastor at a non-denominational church in Cary and has a particular interest in the intersections of culture, justice and religion.

Menu: Vegan Cheeseburgers with Potato Wedges, Salad Bar, and Cookies

May 8 - A Local Approach to Mutual Aid: We will hear from a representative  from Raleigh United Mutual Aid Hub (RUMAH), a social center and mutual aid hub located in downtown Raleigh. Their mission is to create a more interconnected community by providing free to sliding scale space to local individuals, grassroots organizations, musicians, artists, and mutual aid organizers.

Menu: Taco / Nacho Bar with Tofu/ Be'ef, Pinto, Black beans, Salsa, Guacamole, Sour cream, Salad Bar, and Cookies

May 15 - Contemplative Photography: Have you ever heard of contemplative photography? Come experience this practice. All you need is your phone (no fancy camera gear). Weather permitting, we'll go outside for a while and then gather in Finlator to share our photographic bounty. If it's raining we can do it inside.

Menu: Baked Ziti with Dinner Rolls, Salad Bar, and Cookies

May 22 - Jammin’ for Justice and Joy: For our last Wednesday night program going into summer, the Pullen Pickers and friends are planning a sing-along program for all ages filled with songs designed to uplift, energize and inspire. Bring a friend, your singing voice and tapping foot! Words to songs will be available, and there may also be time for a special request or two. Contact Noelle Schofield or Jim Jarrard with questions or to make a song request.

Menu: Breakfast for Dinner with Veg Sausage, Chic'n nuggets, French toast, Hash Browns, Grits, Salad Bar, and Cookies

-Chalice Overy, Associate Pastor

Also Happening on Wednesday Nights:

Pullen Kids’ Quest

Pullen Kids Quest: Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in Room 122

Who's ready to stat a new adventure? Kids from Preschool-Fifth Grade are invited to join us for Pullen Kids' Quest! After Community Dinner in Finlator Hall, Preschoolers will have childcare and K-5 will have a rotation of Active Play, and a planned "Quest" involving Story Time, Craft Time, Game Time, and fun Experiments. See you there!

Contact: Tommy Cook

Youth Choir

Youth Choir: Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in Room 128-B

All 6th-12th Graders are invited to participate in the Pullen Youth Choir in the Rehearsal Hall (next to the Youth Space) from 6:00-6:30 pm. (Youth in choir are welcome to the front of the line for Wednesday night meals.) Youth Group immediately follows choir at 6:30 pm.

Contact: Larry Schultz

Youth Wednesday Night Live

Wednesday Night Live: Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in Room 130-H

On Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 pm, students are invited to gather to explore our faith in the context of our everyday lives and what’s happening in the world around us. Check calendar for dates.

Contact: Ian McPherson or Chalice Overy

Adult Choir

Chancel Choir: Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in Room 128-B

All adults are invited to participate in Chancel Choir as it leads Sunday morning worship. Rehearsals resume in September on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. For continued safety at this time, singers are required to be fully vaccinated, boosted for Covid 19, and wear masks while singing. This group offers worship leadership through the choral art as it experiences and expresses a variety of texts and music. No prior choral experience is required.

Contact: Larry Schultz

Wednesday Night Men's Group

Wednesday Night Men's Group: Wednesdays at 6:30 pm at Pullen in Room 310

The Wednesday Night Men’s Group, for those masculine identified, will be discussing the book, Of Boys and Men: Why the Modern Male is Struggling and Why it Matters, in the coming weeks starting January 4th at 6:30 pm. If you have not read, come anyway, the topics are often ones you can share about from experience. We look forward to seeing you there!

Contact:: Kevin Neiley or Andrew Kasper